Theft of Giant Aldabra Tortoises on Curieuse Island

Theft of Giant Aldabra Tortoises on Curieuse Island

In a daring theft on Curieuse Island in the early hours of Friday 15th March, 21 juvenile Giant Aldabra Tortoises were stolen from our nursery located at Baie Laraie. Fortunately, with the prompt assistance of the Seychelles Police Force based on Praslin and the Seychelles Coast Guard and Seychelles Defence Forces, the perpetrator has been identified and all 21 Tortoises have been retrieved.

Theft of any species of flora or fauna found within a protected area carries severe legal repercussions, with high level fines and imprisonment for up to five years. Illegal wildlife trade has become increasingly alarming and we must work together to prevent such unlawful acts!

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