Grand Opening of Seychelles Orchids Collection Greenhouse

Grand Opening of Seychelles Orchids Collection Greenhouse

Commemorating the International Day for Biological Diversity, SPGA officially unveiled and opened the Seychelles Orchids Collection Greenhouse, based at the National Biodiversity Centre, Barbarons. The ribbon cutting was carried out by Minister Flavien Joubert – Minister of Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment, Mrs. Bernadette Willemin – SPGA Board of Directors Vice-chair, CEO Allen Cedras and Deputy CEO Ms. Lya Docteur.

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The Seychelles Orchids Collection Greenhouse is a specialised and state-of-the art solar powered infrastructure which will serve to house numerous orchid species within ideal and preferred growing conditions, subsequently safeguarding these vital plants. These orchid species are often very rare to spot, owing to the fact that they prefer to grow in high altitudes with wet or humid conditions. The Seychelles Orchids Collection, is yet another innovative service and facility which the SPGA is offering the public and visitors.

The greenhouse aims at providing a unique opportunity to explore and appreciate the beauty and diversity of these exquisite plants, with the assistance of our knowledgeable staff and guides at the Centre, offering knowledge and expertise on the different species. The Greenhouse currently contains 15 endemic and native orchid species such as Orkid Payanke, Orkid Grann Fey and Orkid Kolibri to name a few, with more to be added.

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During his keynote address, Minister Joubert stated that “Today serves as a reminder of the critical importance of preserving and safeguarding the rich tapestry of life that surrounds us… today we predominantly shed light on fostering widespread support and awareness geared towards halting biodiversity loss”. On his side CEO Cedras explained that “The Project symbolises SPGA’s dedication towards conservation and sustainable eco-tourism.” He further added that the Authority will continue to reaffirm its commitment to protected areas, whilst prioritising conservation at the heart of all its development. The Project was made possible through a collaboration between SPGA, stakeholders and Solar Thermal X, the contractor entrusted with the installation of the greenhouse.

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