SPGA Triumphs at MACCE Sports Day

SPGA Triumphs at MACCE Sports Day

On Friday 24th May, the Ministry of Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment (MACCE) organised a Sports Day for all Departments and Agencies under its purview. Kicking-off at 9am, the SPGA team consisting of staff from the Main Office, Gardens and Marine Operations showed great enthusiasm as they geared up to showcase their athletic abilities and sportsmanship. From traditional track and field events to more unconventional challenges, such as tug-of-war and relay races, participants eagerly took to the field, demonstrating their dedication to the team.  

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Emerging victorious in a display of teamwork and competitive spirit, the SPGA team won gold in dominoes, relay race, Men’s Volleyball and the marathon, and won many more medals. The event, which brought together staff from various departments within the organization, served as a platform for both physical activity and team-building opportunities. Employees from SPGA, DOE, LWMA, Agriculture Department and the MET Office, set aside their daily work responsibilities and came together as a cohesive unit, supporting one another and working towards a common goal.

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Moreover, the sports day provided a welcome opportunity for employees to break away from their usual routines and engage in friendly competition outside the office environment. This not only helped to alleviate stress and promote a healthy work-life balance but also allowed individuals to showcase their talents and skills in a different setting, fostering a sense of appreciation and respect among colleagues.

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